Tuesday, 2 December 2014

How to Remove Dark Circles

Dark circles are the worst enemy of a bright look. Discover the tricks to remove dark circles. With this guidance, learn to know your dark circles to better camouflage and make them disappear.
Dark circles are formidable enemies of beauty look. 

These circles below the eye are unsightly and obscure the eye unbelievable speed their appearance often equated with a lack of sleep but this is not the only factor responsible. According to your type of dark circles, blue or gold, two causes are possible.

The golden or dark circles

These rings, also called “sepia rings”, linked to a natural melanin overproduction. The eye area is darker, in shades ranging from golden to brown. These rings are more common in the Mediterranean skin.

The right thing to fade dark circles

The elimination of dark circles begins with a beauty regimen every day: sleep well, avoid smoking and take time to relax. 

However, if these basic gestures are insufficient to overcome these unsightly stains, do not panic, there are solutions more effective.

Well Cleansing

A dark look, it is above all a sign of tired skin. Therefore, to help regain its luster and ease, a good removal is essential. 

The skin around the eyes is very fragile because it is very thin, so it is essential to pamper her with a real-up removal that will allow it to breathe and relax. If this phase is even botched a good care will not have the desired effect.

Apply Dedicated Care

To remove dark circles, an eye care concealer is your best ally. The active ingredients will stimulate circulation and reduce color variations. 

In contrast, only to find effective, it is advisable to apply morning and night. In addition, it is necessary to apply this treatment to the brow bone to the top of the cheekbone.

Massage The Eye Area

To maximize the effectiveness of your treatment is ideal to apply by making light massage. These circular massages will activate the natural functions of the skin so that blood flows better. 

However, if for you it is unthinkable to spend more than five minutes in the bathroom many brands have devised concealer care with a metal tip that offer the same benefits of a manual massage.

The right thing to camouflage dark circles

If all your efforts to eliminate remove dark circles were unsuccessful, it is always possible to cover up by making a makeup worthy of a pro. To do this, follow the 5 golden rules to wear a bright look.

Grandmothers tips to remove dark circles

To pamper the eye contour and knock your dark circles at less cost to you, the grandmother tips.

Spoons In The Freezer

To find a fresh look in ten minutes flat, place two teaspoons in the fridge for 15 minutes before applying them on the eyes. Certainly, it is not very nice but the cold wakes look activating micro-circulation.

Mashed Coffee

This trick is not very glamorous but it has the merit of being very effective. Indeed, the coffee puree Applied few minutes on the eye contour eliminates dark circles. The look is instantly clear.

The Cucumber Slices

This waterlogged vegetable provides beneficial moisturizing for shine look. Apply a washer on each eye at night before bed, and leave on for ten minutes. The eyes are rested and relaxed.

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