Monday 1 December 2014

How to Fight Wrinkles

Skin changes as we age. The fat cells shrink and the skin loses its elasticity. Wrinkles begin to appear around the eyes and on the forehead. Individuals with fair skin typically grow faster wrinkles since their skin less protected against sunlight.

Nevertheless, the lifestyle is very important too. Grandmother you book its 7 natural tips against wrinkles.

1. Antioxidants

Eat every day a variety of fruits and vegetables because they contain many vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay young and healthy. For example, Vitamin C, best known to be essential in the production of collagen.

 It effectively and naturally fights against wrinkles. Here is an example of foods rich in vitamin C to eat regularly: Kiwis, apples, grapefruit, Brussels sprouts.

2. Omega 3

Priority should be given a diet rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids help nourish the skin and fight against wrinkles. Omega3 is found in fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies), nuts and oils (argan oil, walnut oil).

3. Tea

Green tea and white tea also contain a high level of antioxidants. Polyphenols in this magical drink would have significant powers anti-aging. So why not use it?

4. The oil massage

Self-massage helps relax muscles, reduce the contractions of the skin and activate cell regeneration. 

Then you will understand, massaging, yes! With oils, it's even better to fight against wrinkles. Some examples of excellent oils to prevent wrinkles: Olive oil, castor oil, argan oil, borage oil ...

5. Wrinkle masks

No need to spend a fortune to make wrinkle masks! You can make yourself very easily. Find the natural anti-wrinkle masks to yourself: Clay Mask , mask with banana , egg white mask ...

6. Well hydrated every day

It is important to drink plenty of water to keep your skin healthy. Water helps to rid your body of toxins. When your skin well hydrated, it becomes healthy and radiant. 

Proper hydration is in addition, essential for the long-term health. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day will help your body and skin to fight against wrinkles.

7. Facial gymnastics

Facial exercises are designed to increase muscle tone of the face. The result of the execution of these facial gymnastics is a reduction of wrinkles and increased skin vitality. 

There are a variety of facial gymnastics exercises that target different areas of the face and the different aesthetic concerns.

The advice of our grandmothers

To fight against wrinkles, it is important to protect from the sun because UV rays are responsible for skin aging. 

It is important not to smoke because smoking will make your skin dry and dull, and add a ton of wrinkles on your face! Indeed, smoking deprives your skin of oxygen and nutrients. 

Regular physical activity helps to keep your skin young and toned.


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